• +2348036296127
  • info@nsme.com.ng

About NSME

NSME History

The Society was founded by the Ambassador of International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), who before his appointment had attended ISME16 in Montreal, Canada in 2016, where he gave an oral presentation of his research. The Society started from the WhatsApp group he created on 26th December, 2017, which led to the First meeting of the group, known as ISME, Nigerian Chapter on Thursday, 22nd March, 2018 at Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State which was attended by nine (9) members. The second meeting was held at the close of the AAUA Humboldt-Kolleg held by the Convener and Ambassador on 6th June, 2018, where 23 Conference participants from various institutions attended and joined the Society.

About NSME

The Nigerian Society for Microbial Ecology (NSME) has received support from the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME). It aims to serve Microbial Ecologists and the wider community by supporting research and education. NSME shall sponsor and or co-organize workshops, meetings, guest lectures, travel grants, research grants and render other financial assistance as may be available. NSME enjoys close collaborations with other key scientific organizations with established effective scientific interactions in all geographical regions through a network of scientific leaders. We strive to be open in our operations by keeping members updated via our newsletters and available electronic media.

Our Vision

To build a world class society that brings microbial ecologists together for the purpose of fostering innovative, collaborative, multidisciplinary, multinational research and communicate knowledge in microbial ecology to scientists, policy makers and the public.

Our Mission

Our mission is help to achieve excellence in the area of microbial ecology research efforts in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.